Monthly Archives: July 2013

Jehovah Our Healer

    Sometimes I wonder how fast God takes care of his loved ones. When you read Psalms 18 you can at least understand God’s love towards mankind. God loved us to much even to give his one and only son for our sins.

    It was on Monday of 17th august 2013. I was with my wife and our young son and granddaughter at home in the evening at our new home in Northampton in Pennsylvania the day before was a Sunday where we had a very powerful Holy Spirit filled service in our church. The Holy Spirit manifested mightily. The evil spirit was not happy for the missionary preaching’s I had in Kenya in July and early August 2013. On August 7th 2013 we departed with Egyptian airways from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport at around 5 AM. When we arrived in Cairo I received a phone call from Kenya asking whether we were safe with my son. I asked why. He told me immediately after our departure which could have been the last one, (my wife in U.S.A called and she prayed for our journey mercies on our way home.(Psalms 107:20)

    There was an infernal which destroyed our beautiful planets wing. We were safe in Cairo, although situation on the spirits ruling the skies of Egypt were spirits of death. People of the same nation against each other. Jesus said “the kingdom which fights itself will not survive”. We need to pray for the” death spirit” moving from country to country since independence, (Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, etc.) Africa needs really deep prayers.

    It happened that the spirit of fire followed us home. My wife was cooking with a pressure cooker when checking to put in the corn; the steam erupted on her face, chest, and hips she screamed because she was in excruciating pain. I rushed her to the hospital and she was diagnosed with second degree burns. We alerted our prayer warrior’s intercessors and asked them to put us in prayers. Within two weeks she was healed and she was back to her regular duties. We praised God for his protection on my wife. She could have been blinded by the burns but God saved her. When we believe and pray to our God he will heal us from whatever accident or mishap we happen to be in. Jesus lives my wife is well and active again with her duties. Satan tries to destroy but God gives us all the life we need.(John 10:10)


    Pst. Joseph Karanja

    The Miracle Of A Home

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    It was in 2009 November, we had just arrived in U.S.A from Kenya and we were six months old in this country. Where we were being hosted, we felt that God had to do a miracle for us to have a place of our own in this foreign land. We had no credit since we...
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    Glory to Jesus

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    Glory lord jesus, glory to your holy name. Glory lord jesus, your blood, It has removed my shame. When the son of man returns, Will he find faith on the earth? Well I hope so, I want to be found ready. Holy, lord jesus, holy is your righteous throne. Holy, lord jesus, my praises go to you alone. Worthy art thou lord our...
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